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Carpenters Primary School


PHSCE & Cultural Capital

At Carpenters, in order to ensure our children develop into well-rounded and confident citizens in the wider community, we provide the following expectations and opportunities:

  • We ensure that the school’s RESPECT values are embedded in everything we do;
  • We teach RE through the Newham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE);
  • We provide daily acts of collective worship, including opportunities for reflection and celebration;
  • We celebrate the festivals of our community throughout the year;
  • We provide opportunities to reflect on key questions and issues every week, through our P4C sessions;
  • We ensure Personal Health & Relationship Education (including Sex Education) is taught through the Science Curriculum and separate sessions where appropriate;
  • We plan and celebrate special weeks such as: Anti-bullying Week, Black History Celebrations,  e-Safety Week, Cultural Week, Work week and Happy & Healthy Weeks;
  • We work closely with external agencies to ensure our children have access to specialist knowledge and support such as: Transport for London, Growing Against Gangs and Violence Team (GAGV), the Ben Kinsella Charity and Lifeguards;
  • We work alongside members of the community to ensure that children have a voice and develop close affiliation with where they live. E.g. local architects.
  • We arrange for all children to visit the library each term to promote a love of reading;
  • We ensure that each year group takes part in an educational visit (closely linked to their learning) each half term or works alongside specialist visitors to school (see overview);
  • We ensure we foster the Olympic legacy by all children from Year 2- 6 visiting the Olympic swimming pool for their swimming lessons and through taking part in regular competitions;
  • We have a school gardener who works with all children on special projects each term and with small groups of children to develop the school site and allotment;
  • We arrange for the whole school to take part in NEPB ‘work week’ each year in the Summer term.