Each year group is set homework each week by their class teacher, in reading, spelling and grammar, maths and topic.
To access and complete this homework, you will need to log into your child’s MyMaths, Maths with Parents and Google Classroom accounts.
We understand that Google Classroom may be new to some, so we have included instructions on how below. Each child's log in details has been sent home and children have practised logging in during the school day.
Homework will be sent home each Thursday and handed in every Monday. We can provide a printed copy for parents who need this: please make arrangements for this via the school office.
Children in KS1, will be provided with a homework book to record their work in.
Children in KS2 are expected to complete their homework on their Google Classroom accounts - though the school can
provide a homework book for those children who have no access to a laptop at home.
We have enclosed some information about how to support your child to access Google Classroom below. If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact a member of the Leadership Team via the school office.
Log-in to Google Classroom - A Step by Step Guide
1. Open a web page and type in: classroom.google.com
2. You will be invited to sign-in: first enter your child’s school-based email address and click next. Then, enter the password exactly as it appears above (lower-case letters, no spaces).
3. Click on your child’s virtual classroom - it should have your child’s class name as its title. In the unlikely event that you are unable to see a classroom, please call the office and you will be given the class code.
4. Once you are in the virtual classroom, click on the link that says “Stream” at the top of the page (see image below).
This is where you will find the most recent communication from your child’s class teacher. Assignments will also be posted here, which you can click on and open.
Please encourage your child to become more independent with navigating their google classroom. In KS2, children will have been shown how to use this during their lessons. There is a useful Guide to Google Classroom on the school website under “Latest News”, which will go into more detail about how to use specific features.
If you are unable to find a solution after reading this document, please call the school office and ask to speak to Miss Hobbs who will try to help. Please note that Miss Hobbs is only able to help with navigating Google classroom, rather than technical difficulties relating to internet access or issues with hardware.
What if I do not have the internet or a suitable device such as a laptop or tablet?
If you are unable to access the homework online for any reason, you will need to inform the office so that alternative arrangements can be made for your child. They will receive a printed homework sheet and a book in which to complete the homework. This will need to be returned on time each week.
What if the log-in details provided do not work?
This was one of the most common problems during lockdown. All credentials are generated by Mr Goggin and checked before being given to class teachers and our families. If the email or password is not recognised, it is likely that it has been typed incorrectly. Please double check carefully.