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Carpenters Primary School


At Carpenters we believe that ICT is an integral part of teaching and learning across the entire curriculum.

Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and most have a touch screen interface which allows for an interactive teaching and learning experience.

In addition to this, each year group has a class set of laptops alongside an increasing number of iPads in order to widen the range of equipment and opportunities we can offer.

Computing at Carpenters is taught in two ways: 

One is as a series of discrete lessons that are taught during our Computing weeks each half term. During these weeks, children are taught the skills and are provided with the necessary ‘hands on’ experience to develop their understanding of the coding strand of the new Computing curriculum.

The second way is to teach and consolidate skills that have already been taught through the context of another lesson.  For example, by creating a ‘stop motion’ animation to retell a mythological story.

E-safety is paramount in all we do and you can find a link to the school’s E-Safety policy here. Each year, we take part in a range of events during ‘e-safety week’ and ensure that keeping ourselves safe online is an integral part of our teaching across the curriculum. We also offer regular e-safety workshops for parents: please check our weekly newsletters for the next available dates.

In addition to our learning in class, we also have a range of software which is available to parents/carers to access at home.  ‘Purplemash’ is a cross curricular tool which not also develops the children’s coding ability, but links to many other subjects including Design and Technology, history, art, science and writing.  You can log in using your child’s username and password at the link below:

An extensive range of resources are also available at  Your child can log in using their USO username and password.