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Carpenters Primary School

Learning at Home

Support for Our Families Over the Summer Holiday

A message to all our parents/carers

What a year it has been  - an extraordinary academic year, that we are likely to remember for the rest of our lives! As a community we have been through so much together and we know that, as school closes its doors for the summer, some of you will miss the weekly check-ins from our committed staff. As a school, our absolute priority remains the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils and their families and, whilst staff take time to be with their own families over coming weeks, we hope the resources on this page will offer help where needed, by signposting you to a range of helplines, charities and toolkits, to help you manage both your child's emotional wellbeing and your own - after all, positive wellbeing for children starts with the adults caring for them.

You will find an existing database here.

I have also put together some more targeted resources below to help you prepare your children to return to school in September, and to support you with a range of things that could arise during these difficult times.

I wish you all a lovely summer.

Take care and be safe,

From Miss Hobbs

Supporting Our Children

Winston's Wish: Preparing children for returning to school
A useful and parent-friendly website that will give an insight into how children may feel about returning to school. Breaks down the process into 7 manageable ideas for how to help your child.

Young Minds: Supporting a child with returning to school after lockdown
A clear step-by-step guide on how to support your child with returning to school after such a long time of being at home.

8 Tips to Help Your Child with Lockdown
A quick-read article which offers practical tips as well as some links to other resources. For example, being able to have difficult conversations with your child, or managing an anxious child.

Mentally Healthy Schools: Return to school toolkit
This simple toolkit can be downloaded onto your device. It draws on some of the best advice from reputable sources such as Anne Freud and the NHS.

Self-Care Summer Pack: Activity Book
A downloadable activity pack that children can work through to support their own emotional wellbeing over the summer. Such a good idea - and if you can't print it, many of the activities can be done using a piece of paper, without needing to record in the booklet itself.

Supporting Ourselves

Parent Zone: Where to report and get support during lockdown

Coping Practically and Emotionally During the Covid-19 Outbreak

NSPCC: Managing conflict and tension as a family

Young Minds: Tips for parenting in a difficult living situation

BBC: Toolkit for support children with SEND 

Learning at home

Below are some online resources that have free access for children and parents.

Usual homework

(Passwords for children are in their homework books.)

My maths

Maths with Parents 

Strange Maths (YouTube)

TT rockstars

Additional resources to use at home

Carter's Yard Phonics

Primary Stars - Home learning activities

The Maths Factor


Twinkl has a vast number of resources for all subjects. Subscription is free for the following month. There are also ‘home learning’ packs to download for children from EYFS to Year 6. 

Follow the instructions on the following link:


Subscription to this service is currently free and allows access to a large number of audio books and stories for children (and adults) to listen to.

Phonics play

Fun activities for children in EYFS/ KS1 and those learning to read.


Manchester school

This school has made some reading and grammar packs for years 1-3.


A life

Family fitness and healthy eating challenges.


National Geographic kids

A fun way to learn about our natural world from home.


Cool maths

Fun, online maths games for kids.


Unite for Literacy

An American website with simple, online books to read.



A website from New Zealand with a wide range of scientific games and activities.


ICT games

Numerous games for maths and English.



A wide range of activities to do and educational shows to watch. 


Doorway online

Maths and English activities