Vision and Values
At Carpenters Primary School we aim to:
- meet the individual needs of every pupil within the school
- help each pupil to develop to their full potential and ensure they have equal access to the curriculum
- support pupils not only in terms of academic achievement but also in their moral, spiritual and physical development
- promote positive social and emotional well-being, mental health, resilience and wellness for children, staff and our families.
- provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, which is differentiated to meet a variety of needs.
- promote equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, class or ability.
- encourage wider access to the community as a whole and the involvement of parents, carers and others who may wish to work alongside school staff.
- create a warm and friendly environment in which everyone can feel secure, valued, happy and able to achieve.
- celebrate our pupils’ achievements with others in a positive and supportive manner.
Children at Carpenters are:
C | reative |
A | mbitious |
R | esilient |
P | assionate |
& Together we succeed |
R | esponsible |
E | xcellence |
S | hare |
P | olite |
E | ncourage |
C | ommunicate |
T | ruth |